Neighbourhood Plan 2014 - 2034

Brixton Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2014 to 2034

Proposed Modification

Brixton Parish Council has submitted their proposal to South Hams District Council for the modification of the Brixton Neighbourhood Plan, in accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended).

South Hams District Council is consulting residents and other interested stakeholders on the modification proposal for the Brixton Neighbourhood Plan.

Consultation will run for a 6 week period : Friday 8th September 2023 to midnight on Friday 20th October 2023

To view the full proposal or make a comment please visit:



Please click here to find the Brixton Parish Neighbourhood Plan

Declaration of Result of Poll

For the recent Referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan for Brixton Neighbourhood Area

Brixton Neighbourhood Development Plan has been made!

In accordance with Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning Examination Process, following public and statutory consultation on the First Draft of the Brixton Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2014-2034 (November 2017), the Brixton Parish Neighbourhood Plan (BPNP) group have considered all the comments made and have updated the Neighbourhood Plan document for submission in accordance with Regulation 15. The Examiner was appointed and with some minor amendments the Brixton Parish Neighbourhood Plan has been passed by the Examiner. South Hams District Council is now proceeding to a referendum. We are at the referendum stage.

Regulation 15
The revised Brixton Parish Neighbourhood Plan document was assessed by SHDC for compliance with regulations and legislation. SHDC organised the appointment of an Independent Examiner to review the entire plan.

Regulation 16
SHDC published the Brixton Parish Neighbourhood Plan for further public consultation under Regulation 16, to give anyone interested in the plan an opportunity to make representations before the Examination.

Regulation 17
After completion of the consultation period SHDC collated the responses and sent these plus the submitted plan & accompanying documents to the Examiner.

Regulation 18
The Brixton Parish Neighbourhood Plan document and supporting information will be assessed for compliance by the Examiner. The Report will explain Examiner’s reasons for recommending the plan can either:
(a) go forward to a Referendum unchanged
(b) go forward to a Referendum with Modifications or
(c) not go forward.

SHDC will publish a report of its decisions following considering the Examiner’s Report. If SHDC propose making a decision different to the Examiner, it must publish a report and invite further representations.

SHDC organises, holds and pays for a referendum on the post-Examination version of the Brixton Parish Neighbourhood Plan. Providing more than 50% of those taking part in the Referendum vote in favour of the plan being made part of the development plan for the local area, SHDC must proceed to make the plan part of its development plan.

The Brixton Parish Neighbourhood Plan is formally “Made” – at a full District Council meeting
SHDC will formally make the Neighbourhood Plan part of its development plan and use it from then on for making decisions on planning applications together with its Local Plan (JLP).

Regulations 19 & 20
The LPA publishes details of the plan and notifies Brixton Parish Council and anyone known to have an interest in it.

neighbourhood plan cover

Brixton Parish Neighbourhood Plan - August 2019 (Whole Document)

Brixton Parish Neighbourhood Plan - August 2019 (Plan excluding Appendices)

Brixton Parish Neighbourhood Plan - August 2019 (Appendices only)

Brixton Parish Neighbourhood Plan - August 2019 (Policies Map)

Neighbourhood Planning is a way for communities to decide the future of the places where they live and work. The Government has introduced the community right to neighbourhood planning through the Localism Act.

The Neighbourhood Planning process is laid down by national guidance and includes finding the detailed views of the local population. Views on the Brixton Parish Neighbourhood Plan have been gathered over the last 30 months.

The principle consultation documents and links are listed below:

1. Brixton Parish Community Housing Needs Survey April 2016

2. Parish of Brixton Housing Needs Results April 2016

3. Brixton Neighbourhood Plan 2016 - 2030 Questionnaire June 2016

4. Brixton Neighbourhood Plan 2016 - 2030 Questionnaire Report July 2016

5. Brixton Neighbourhood Plan 2016 - 2030 Community Day Report September 2016

6. Brixton Neighbourhood Plan 2016 - 2030 Community Day Report May 2017

7. Brixton Parish Neighbourhood Plan November 2017 : Regulation 14 November 2017

8. SHDC Regulation 14 Comments

9. BPNP Consultation Response to SHDC Regulation 14

10. BPNP Collated Consultation Response to Public and Statutory Regulation 14 Comments

11. Emery Planning Regulation 14 Comments (BPNP Response included in Collated Comments)

12. PCL Planning Regulation 14 Comments (BPNP Response included in Collated Comments)

13. Draft Brixton HRA / SEA Screening Opinion Regulation 14

14. Site Assessments for Development October 2018

15. Brixton HRA / SEA Screening Opinion January 2019

16. Brixton Parish Neighbourhood Plan - Independent Examiner's Report June 2019