Cost of Living

A Cost of Living Working Group is meeting regularly:
(Terms of Reference

At the last meeting it was decided that a leaflet will be delivered to every household, there will be engagement with the school to identify if there any Brixton families in need, Community Help Box the church porch will be the venue for the ‘help box’ contain cleaning and hygiene products funded by BPC, Brixton Feoffee Trust, Brixton Composters, and donations. 

Brixton Feoffee Trust agreed to make grants available for up to £100.00 per household for an emergency payment for food etc.  If this is insufficient applicants will be invited to make an application to the Trust using the relevant application form in the usual way.  

The Warm Hub will open from the beginning of January ‘The Foxhound’ will be open Mondays and Thursdays from 11.00-12.00 and 3.00-5.00pm in the mornings as a ‘warm hub’ soup and a roll will be available and in the afternoon tea/coffee/cake (subsidised by BPC & BFT) with a box available for donations on the day.

Wall thermometers purchased by BPC from South Dartmoor Energy Company have been distributed Please contact Clerk if you would like one, they have been distributed in the Church, Post Office, the Pub and Chip Shop and one has been put in the Community Centre

Cost of Living Help and Guidance

Cost of Living Crisis

Brixton Community Help leaflet

Cost of Living Support Information

SHDC Support Directory

SHDC Reducing Fuel Bills

Brixton Community Book Swop

The Brixton Community Book Swop is located in St Mary's Church and is available daily when the church is open from 10am - 4.30pm

There are books for all tastes including a selection of children's books.  If you don't have a book to swop please just come and borrow one.

There is no membership required or recording of book borrowing - just come along and swop your book.

The library of books is expanding daily and well worth a visit.